
If you would like to contact us for support, you can:

Contact Hostage International

Call our 24/7 helpline: +44 (0)845 608 1360. Your phone call will be answered by someone who will ask you for your name and contact details, and briefly the reason for your call. This information will be passed to the Family and Hostage Support team who will then contact you.

Email: [email protected]. Your email will be responded to by the Family and Hostage Support Team.

Contact our sister organisations

Our two sister organisations, Hostage US and Hostage Italia, are country-specific and provide similar support services.

If you are based in America, contact Hostage US

If you are based in Italy, contact Hostage Italia

If you are based in any other country, contact us at Hostage International.


In order to protect the confidentiality of our potential beneficiaries, they must contact us directly in order to discuss their case and receive support from us. Third parties, such as friends, employers, governments and law enforcement are welcome to contact us to learn more about our services and pass the information to those in need. However, we can only discuss the case and personal circumstances with the potential beneficiary. We recognise that in some circumstances, close friends are considered as ‘family’ by the hostage and we can look to support them as well.