Congratulations Anoosheh for completing the London Marathon

Congratulations Anoosheh for completing the London Marathon

Hostage International wants to say a huge thank you to Anoosheh and Aryan Ashoori for their marathon efforts to not only raise funds for Hostage International but also help raise the profile of the charity.

Anoosheh finished the London Marathon in 5 hours 28 minutes and 28 seconds on Sunday 2 October 2022.

Along with his dad, Aryan trained tirelessly in the months in the run-up to the marathon and was deeply disappointed to test positive for Covid before the race, but they raised more than £6000 for Hostage International and through their interviews in various media outlets helped highlight our work.

Lara Symons, Hostage International CEO, said:

“Not only have Anoosheh and Aryan raised funds for our small charity, but they have also helped to raise our profile.

“Their story has moved so many and is a true testament to Anoosheh’s desire that something good must come out of his experience.

“We are hugely grateful and hope that this increased awareness of our small charity will mean that anyone else affected by arbitrary detentions or hostage-taking will know where to find us.”

You can read Anoosheh’s full story here.


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Congratulations Anoosheh for completing the London Marathon
Congratulations Anoosheh for completing the London Marathon